Valentine Palette + False Eyelashes Product Visualisation


Lohita Beauty




Modelling, Design, Lookdev

We were commissioned by Lohita Beauty to create stunning renders for their makeup palette and false eyelashes product launches. 

It was essential to portray the products as elegant and premium, showcasing the quality and the attention the company has put into creating each one of them. That’s why the black background was chosen instead of a regular white one for the main pics. 

Our work encompassed 3D modelling, texturing, photography direction, rendering, and post-production. One of the big challenges of this project was working the shots parallel to the product development itself, i.e. prototyping phase, which requires constant revisions from our end to reflect the real product’s changes. It was also challenging to match the exact colours of a 35-shades palette to the real one, as is expected, and necessary, for this kind of product.




Design – Chris Peregom, PH Gomes
Lookdev – Chris Peregom, PH Gomes
Modelling – PH Gomes